Marketing with Lanyards is Profitable!
A well-designed custom lanyard with a logo or text imprint becomes a literal walking ad for your brand
With so many businesses competing in the “noise” of today’s advertising world, it’s easy to understand why many businesses are using lanyards to market their brand or logo. Lanyards are a terrific way for people to keep track of keys, I.D. badges, or even cell phones. The right marketing message gets plenty of exposure on custom lanyards.
Consider How Lanyards are Used
Lanyards had their origins on clipper ships, where they helped prevent sailors from losing important items overboard. Today they relieve the pressure to cram I.D. badges, keys and other items into pockets or purses.
Other lanyard alternatives are even worse. Backpacks? Sure, if you want to risk leaving it somewhere or otherwise losing it. Fanny packs? Um, yeah, the less said about those, the better.
Marketing with Lanyards
OK, we’ve established that lanyards are useful for keys, pens, I.D. badges, key cards and the like. What’s the best way to use them for marketing?
That’s easy. A well-designed custom lanyard with a logo or text imprint becomes a literal walking ad for your brand as soon as someone slips it around their neck. They have the tools they need to do their job, and you have a promotion of your brand. It’s a win-win situation.
Chances are good you see lanyards every day. You see them at the hardware store, at school, in offices. They’ve become a recognized part of the uniform for many workplaces. Some organizations even allow employees or students to add a little bit of personalization to their lanyards. That encourages the employee to wear the lanyard, thereby promoting the brand on a consistent basis.
Giveaway Lanyards
Custom lanyards are great giveaway items at conventions, trade shows and even in-store. They’re ideal for convention I.D. badges, which some people are reluctant to pin to their clothing. Give them away and watch the number of “walking billboards” gradually increase, helping to drive traffic to your booth or display.
The-Lanyard-Factory.com is Your Lanyard Headquarters
No matter what style lanyard you need, The-Lanyard-Factory.com has the answer. Our talented staff can create virtually any custom logo or text message you require, and will be glad to help you craft the perfect custom lanyards for your specific needs. Contact us today and let us show you how custom lanyards can boost your bottom line!